Daily Report For June 2012
Averages\Extremes for day :29
Average temperature = 19.6°C
Average humidity = 65%
Average dewpoint = 12.7°C
Average barometer = 1007.2 hPa
Average windspeed = 1.9 m/s
Average gustspeed = 3.8 m/s
Average direction = 231° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 0.0 mm
Rainfall for year = 244.5 mm
Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 29 at time 00:00
Maximum temperature = 22.5°C on day 29 at time 15:17
Minimum temperature = 8.3°C on day 29 at time 10:02
Maximum humidity = 92% on day 29 at time 10:02
Minimum humidity = 54% on day 29 at time 13:11
Maximum dewpoint = 14.2°C on day 29 at time 18:06
Minimum dewpoint = 7.1°C on day 29 at time 10:02
Maximum pressure = 1016.1 hPa on day 29 at time 10:02
Minimum pressure = 1006.2 hPa on day 29 at time 13:02
Maximum windspeed = 4.1 m/s on day 29 at time 19:45
Maximum gust speed = 8.2 m/s from 248°(WSW) on day 29 at time 19:59
Maximum heat index = 24.8°C on day 29 at time 13:11
Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :29 :6 :2012
Averages\Extremes for day :30
Average temperature = 19.5°C
Average humidity = 72%
Average dewpoint = 14.0°C
Average barometer = 1009.5 hPa
Average windspeed = 1.2 m/s
Average gustspeed = 2.9 m/s
Average direction = 214° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 6.8 mm
Rainfall for year = 251.3 mm
Rainfall for day = 6.8 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.6 mm on day 30 at time 22:51
Maximum temperature = 24.3°C on day 30 at time 17:26
Minimum temperature = 14.7°C on day 30 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity = 91% on day 30 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity = 48% on day 30 at time 16:29
Maximum dewpoint = 16.3°C on day 30 at time 09:14
Minimum dewpoint = 11.7°C on day 30 at time 16:29
Maximum pressure = 1011.0 hPa on day 30 at time 23:42
Minimum pressure = 1008.1 hPa on day 30 at time 00:03
Maximum windspeed = 4.6 m/s on day 30 at time 14:53
Maximum gust speed = 8.7 m/s from 180°( S ) on day 30 at time 15:45
Maximum heat index = 25.5°C on day 30 at time 17:26
Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :30 :6 :2012
Averages\Extremes for the month of June 2012
Average temperature = 19.6°C
Average humidity = 70%
Average dewpoint = 13.6°C
Average barometer = 1009.1 hPa
Average windspeed = 1.5 m/s
Average gustspeed = 3.2 m/s
Average direction = 222° ( SW)
Rainfall for month = 92.8 mm
Rainfall for year = 337.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute = 0.6 mm on day 30 at time 22:51
Maximum temperature = 24.3°C on day 30 at time 17:26
Minimum temperature = 8.3°C on day 29 at time 10:02
Maximum humidity = 92% on day 29 at time 10:02
Minimum humidity = 48% on day 30 at time 16:29
Maximum dewpoint = 16.3°C on day 30 at time 09:14
Minimum dewpoint = 7.1°C on day 29 at time 10:02
Maximum pressure = 1016.1 hPa on day 29 at time 10:02
Minimum pressure = 1006.2 hPa on day 29 at time 13:02
Maximum windspeed = 4.6 m/s from 225°( SW) on day 30 at time 14:53
Maximum gust speed = 8.7 m/s from 180°( S ) on day 30 at time 15:45
Maximum heat index = 25.5°C on day 30 at time 17:26
Avg daily max temp :23.4°C
Avg daily min temp :11.8°C
Growing degrees days :16.1 GDD
Corn growing degrees days :0.0 GDD
Total windrun = 192.9km
Daily rain totals
03.0 mm on day 30